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Showing posts from February, 2012

Fingerless gloves

I have never made any type of gloves before and i searched lots of different sites looking for the right one and couldn't find any so in the end i took a little bit from different patterns and brought them together so i tried to make them and then i could join the sides together but it just wouldn't happen .... so i ended up making a row of 35 and joining them together using a 3.00mm hook i found this way alot easier and in the end the glove says it all ... it might not be a style for some but my daughters and their friends loved them and great made in different colors

A little post

As salaamu 'alaykum I recently stumbled across Huda Academy, which is a project of Huda TV.  Ma sha Allah, courses are given by highly qualified Islamic teachers and all lessons are professionally recorded in a television studio! You should really check this out. Here is the link for <a href="">Islamic Studies in English</a> offered at Huda Academy... insha`allah it will be a benefit to us all P.S. the link above seems not to work so heres another

too long

oh it has been to long since i blogged last ... with all the sickness in my home their wasn't really any time let one time for myself ... i had made a few new dishes but never got to take pic as my phone is playing up it keep freezing on me worse than the pc  so their was no chance to take pics i even made a few fingerless gloves or hand warmers and those too i couldn't take pics of ...and this was the first time i actually made them .... i took ideas form different patterns and brought them together ... they ended up simple but lovely and so lovely that friends of my daughter asked for me to make them and sell them to them so that's what i did ... but only on the days where i was up to it ...alhamdu`lilah it only takes a few hours to make them or they would never be made well that's about it .... i hope insha`allah soon to get back to blogging a bit more especially before my father comes next month so until then i will leave you with this Good manners ...