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Assalamu alikum so i decided to start a new blog and called it renewing life    just click here on the title or at the top pf the blog its written and linked  I will continue with this blog but i will be writing and talking about my life on keto and Intermittent fasting please come join me 
Recent posts

Ramadan 2020

Assalamu alaikum  So another year and ramadan is upon us ..but this ramadan is different as we all have to stay home praying in he masjids ... no community iftars .... no family and friends coming together .... but one thing it does have is time ... time to reflect on ourselves ...and a time to get closer to Allah ... we can only hope that by doing this Allah will lift this virus and show us how to become better  As for food and what to cook this year will be the same as most years ... i no longer make large amounts of food ...i like to keep it simple.... i will have some soup also know as chourba .... some days i make boreak and other days i make my version of a sausage roll but with chicken and some salad and thats it  Ramadan isnt about how full we can make our stomachs it about learning and growing ..about feeling how those who are without food feel ..its about the body fixing its self ... its about restraint and will power  ...

Comings and Goings

Assalamu Alaikum Life changes and so does the weather ... their have been some cold days and some really cold days but for me i have really felt it but i do miss that time of the year in ireland ... sitting beside the fire and drinking a cup of tea ...  of a nice hot bowl of soup and being irish it must come with some butter bread  my daughter made this wonderful soup it was hot a spicy and really warms the body ...she likes to try out new recipes this one has fennel and potato as well as chilli flakes and cream  on the days that are not so cold then something light is good  A nice light egg omelette filled with salad .. this has become a favourite of ours  and so easy to make ... it goes good with some home made pitta bread too  whats your favourite dish ???

Growing families

Assalamu Alakium So its been nearly a month since the birth of my second grandchild  and wow has it been hectic ... his big sister is nearly 2 and such a handful , i find this generation of kids are different to when i grew up or even to when i had my kids ....  So far what we have dealt with is the boy having to have numerous blood test done due to jaundice , its amazing as to the level it gets to in order to have these tests done ... alhamdu lilah everything was fine but still as the yellow is still in he eyes he had to go for a prolong jaundice test to make sure its nothing to do with the liver so now we wait for the results Im in such awe with this little fellow to the point that when he cries and does this special thing with his bottom lip i find my heart breaks and all i want to do is pick him up and cuddle him and then he does it a second time and  find tears coming into my eyes ,,,,ive become one of those soppy grandmothers lol,,, But r...

new beginnings

When i started this blog i never knew what i was really going to post . i started out with doing posts about food but when on a budget their really is only so much you can post about then theirs the hobbies i had which was crocheting but also stopped for a while i did take it up again and started on a new blanket for my grandson to be pics will come once im done . then the family grew kids are all much older now .my son is 22 and doing well in his studies . and my daughters well as i said before one of my daughters got married and has been for over 2 years now she had her first baby in January 2018 and now is due her second who at this time is 4 days over due . so now that the family has grown time to change the way i post . i hope to do more cooking but also take about life as a grandmother too and the differences between me raising my kids and the way my daughter and her husband may choose to raise their i know their will be a few opinions going back and forth but i see that ...

Back again

Assalamu Alakium It has been along time since i posted  with life and all the general things that go on in it , it took all my time , but i believe i need to get back to blogging again . i will not just be posting about the dishes i made but about life in general and any hobbies i do too . since i last posted one of my daughters got married and is now having her second baby which makes me a grandmother so life has changed and now i can post about the little things they do too . so im looking forward to seeing and hraring from you all too

New things to learn

Asalamu alikum  I'm back and ready to go ... things have changed and i started to learn some new recipes so i think it is a great time to start posting again  so what have i learned well the first thing is algerian bread called motula Ingredients 3 bowl of flour 1 bowl of seomlina 3 tbsp yeast 6 tbsp of sugar 3 tbsp of salt  and around 2 bowls or warm water may need more  my next post i will take pics of every stage of making the dough  the bread above is made on the tajinn but you call also make it in the oven your oven must be very hot